Baby Loss Awareness

Dear Healthcare Professionals, please try.

Dear Healthcare Professionals, please try.

Earlier this week we took Merryn to hospital with a bump on the head. Before we could leave she had to be checked over by a consultant paediatrician; I believe this is standard practice for child protection reasons with young, non-crawling babies presenting in A&E […]

Baby Loss Hour Live Leeds

Baby Loss Hour Live Leeds

Last Saturday I attended Baby Loss Hour Live Leeds for an evening of conversation with other baby loss parents on my favourite topic of, you’ve guessed it, baby loss! This live event has evolved from the weekly #babylosshourchat on twitter, a space for anyone affected […]



Do you think I unbecame a mother when my baby died? At what moment was my title removed? With my child’s last breath? The last beat of his heart?When the doctor called his death? While I held my child’s cold still body, when I dressed […]

Capture your Grief 2018: Days 1-7

Capture your Grief 2018: Days 1-7

During October I took part in Capture your Grief, a worldwide 31 day photo project to help bereaved parents mindfully explore their grief. I wrote something most days and posted to Instagram on about half the days. Here are some of my thoughts around the […]

There is no going back

During a conversation with a friend a little while ago while talking about normal inconsequential things the conversation turned to pets, my friend commented that if we were going to get a dog this time now before children would be the best time to do […]



June is Sands awareness month and this year’s focus is on #FindingTheWords to break the silence around baby loss by encouraging everyone to sensitively start a conversation with somebody whose baby has died, however long ago. It takes courage to start a difficult conversation and the […]