About Us

About Us

Hello and welcome.

I’m Georgia, a 28-years-old vilomahed mum living in West Yorkshire with my husband Martin. In October 2017 our first child was born, just two hours later he stopped breathing and died.

We expected our lives to change with the arrival of a baby but never imagined like this. Here we are at the very start of our life as new parents and our experience is so vastly different to anyone else we know, we can’t ask for advice from friends or family and there are no chapters in any parenting books about what to do when your baby dies, we’re working it out ourselves. The day Henry was born was the beginning of his story, that hasn’t changed just because he’s gone. Henry’s story is ours, and ours is his. He isn’t here to tell it so we will instead.

If you’re here because you too have experienced the death of your child I am so sorry for your loss; I have put together a list of support and information pages that may be of help or visit my blog where I write about my own experiences of grief and adjusting to life without my child.  The death of a child is the hardest thing in the world to live through, please know you are not alone.

If you would like to know more about Henry I have written a bit about his story here, or subscribe to my blog below and stay up to date with our story. For information about the charities I support visit my  fundraising page and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me using the site’s contact page.

Thank you for joining me on this journey of learning how to parent my missing child. Every time a bit of Henry goes out into the world, be it through his story being read, his photo seen or his name said, my heart gets a bit lighter. 
